Duncan, OK | Baby A.L.

I first talked with Kaitlyn in February. Her and Adam were expecting their angel baby girl in August. My calendar was wide open, so we got it on the books asap.

Fast forward to the middle of summer, and we planned a video chat for Saturday, July 27. A good three weeks before the estimated due date. Kaitlyn and I talked all about what she could expect at the hospital, and when I would arrive to start documenting the Birth Story. They had their 5 Year Wedding Anniversary coming up at the end of the week, so her plan was to focus on the anniversary and then start doing extra walks and movement to get her body and her baby ready for delivery. What a great plan, right?

I still say it was the hype of the Olympics, but perhaps it was that she just overheard us talking during the video chat and just couldn’t wait to meet her parents. Nevertheless! Baby Girl Moore surprised us all with a water break Monday night, July 29!

Kaitlyn messaged me when her and Adam got to the hospital and were all checked in. I reminded her to breathe, and that she was totally capable to going through labor and delivering her baby. She ended up laboring for 24 hours before getting relief from the epidural.

At 6:48pm she was dilated to 5 cm.

At 8:08pm she was at 9cm.

At 8:20pm I was in the room where it happened.

Baby Girl Moore was born at 8:32pm at 37 weeks gestation.

I had to google if Dads can also experience a release of oxytocin when their baby is born. As it turns out, Dads definitely can, and it almost knocked Adam completely over. He was immediately obsessed with his tiny girl, and so proud of his wife.

Because she was 37 weeks gestation, Baby Girl was covered in a thick protective layer of white vernix. Babies that stay in the womb for longer, tend to have less. It slowly absorbed into her skin while mom held her close, but the part on her little forehead stayed the longest.

After an hour or so with Mom, Baby Girl was wrapped up tight and put under the warming light. Nurse Brenda said she was adjusting so well and measuring right at 37 weeks, she just needed a little help regulating her body temperature.

While she got warm, Kaitlyn and Adam had that post-birth meal. It was the best cheeseburger and Oreo McFlurries they’ve ever had in their whole lives.

They called Kaitlyn’s parents to say Baby Girl was here and safe and sound, and to finally tell them her name: Allison Love. The name is a perfect fit.

If you look closely at the image above, you can see the ridge of one of her skull plates. When babies are born, their skulls are in three pieces so they can shape shift to get out of the womb. Isn’t that incredible? They will all fuse together as she gets bigger.

Bellies full, baby warm, nurse Brenda did her weight and measurement, and then Dad got to hold her for the first time.

Then it was time for me to go. I left them all snuggled up and starry eyed over their little baby, Alli Love. It was so good to see her.

Christie Rice