Duncan, OK | Baby A

The Kaus Family was adding a little sister to the bunch in October, so Dakota, messaged me in July, and we met for lunch. We talked about how she was feeling overall. She had gestational diabetes, but she was handling it well. Then we talked about the birth of her first little girl, Emerson, and how excited she was to be a Big Sister! I adore my first face to face meetings with my Mommas. Seeing them in person before the big Birth Day makes the birth so much sweeter!

Dakota kept me in the loop by sending me updates after her appointments. There was a moment towards the end of September that this new babe flipped completely over in the womb and was breech instead of head down. But she must have gymnastics in her future because the last day before October hit she flipped back to head down! And with that confirmation, an early morning, gentle induction, was on the schedule for October the 4th.

I got my big kid to school, then stopped by the Birth Center at Duncan Regional Hospital to say  ‘hi’ and see how everyone was doing. Dakota was wide awake, and the waiting-game was on. Pitocin had been started, and she was just trying to relax. At this point she just about at 3 cm dilated, so I went back home, but kept my camera bag by the door. There was a pretty severe storm on the way, and I wondered if this baby would come before the hail did.

Dakota’s water broke, she got her epidural, and Matt texted me at 3:03pm that she had made it to a 6-7 and was 80% effaced. The rain had started by the time I pulled into the parking lot, and the clouds were low and ominous. I walked into room 108 at 3:35pm.

There was still just a little waiting to be done, and the storm was rolling through. We had our eyes on the window, and our weather radar apps open. To pass the time we got to talking about photography and videography. Did you know that Matt does videography for weddings under Kaus Productions? Neither did I! Dakota has a full time career of her own, but helps out with the shoot days for KP. I think we could have talked for hours just about having jobs in the creative industry.

While we were talking, Dakota’s little sister, Kamryn came in with a rush and a bit out of breath. She was afraid she was going to miss the birth! But she made it just in time.

Nurse Rhonda came in for a check at 4:06pm, and Dakota was complete and ready to push. Since she had gestational diabetes, a glucose test was done to make sure her levels were correct. The test showed that her number was a little lower than ideal. Rhonda offered her a little cola drink or a lemon-lime for a boost. Lemon-lime was the chosen flavor, and Rhonda popped it right up and poured it over some ice in a little cup like she was a professional drink mixer. Dakota felt better almost immediately after a few sips. She was ready now!

At 4:33pm, the bed was shifted to be ready for delivery. Matt got on one side of Dakota and Kamryn got on the other. With the rain and wind blowing outside, we cheered Dakota on, and just 17 minutes later, baby Amelia was born!

And a few happy tears were shed.

Dr. Elfink said, “Okay, Dad, are you ready to cut the cord?” Matt said, “Absolultey not!” so emphatically it made me truly laugh out loud. He had been fully present physically and emotionally this whole time, and if cutting cord seemed too squeamish for him, that’s a-okay! Little Sis/Auntie Kamryn was next in line, and got the job done.

Baby Millie was weighed and measured. Doctor Myrick came in to listen to the heartbeat and count the fingers and toes. Dad got some time to get a good look at his second born little girl.

All that was left now was for Big Sister Emersyn to meet her newest best friend. And wouldn’t you know it, she came in with her own little digital camera!

Right before I left, they let Emersyn know that Amelia had gotten her a present. She pulled the tissue paper out of the sack to find a best friend butterfly necklace set and a Big Sis bracelet. She wasted no time asking for me to help her get on her new pretty pieces of jewelry from her little sister.

I have a feeling that this tiny bracelet is going to only become more and more valuable as these sisters grow up.

And maybe some day, just like Big Sis Dakota got to have her Little Sis Kamryn by her side for the birth of her children - years from now Big Sis Emerson will be able to have Little Sis Amelia next to her as she brings her very own babies into the world. But for now, being a part of the Kaus Family of Four will be it’s own beautiful adventure.

Christie Rice