Duncan, OK | Baby H

J’Cee and Jayden are celebrating Christmas with the best tiny Present this year! This is that Present’s Birth Story.

It was actually J’Cee’s big sister Shelby who messaged me about shooting the Birth Story. Shelby was one of my senior clients in 2017, so this was a bit of a full circle moment. Aunt Shelby was even going to be in the room with J’Cee and Jayden when this little Present came into the world!

When I met with J’Cee before the Birth Day, her mom was with her, and they were both positively buzzing with excitement. J’Cee was already having contractions here and there, even though her due date wasn’t until December 13th.

The following Monday, December 4, around lunchtime, I sent a her a message to see how she was feeling. She was at the Birth Center in triage being monitored and dialed to 3 cm. That afternoon she had made it to 4 cm dilated and passed communication on to Aunt Shelby.

The Mom-to-be labored all day, slowly but surely. I was convinced I would be going to the hospital right after I got my own boys to bed. But at 8:36pm, she had only made it to 5cm. Afraid I would fall into too deep a sleep if I crawled into my bed, I stayed in my living room all night, texting Aunt Shelby back and forth every few hours.

Finally at 5:16am, Aunt Shelby’s text said “She’s at a 9 1/2.” When I tell you that adrenaline always hits so hard as soon as I get the -it’s go time messge- I’m not kidding. Even with just a few cat naps in me, I was out the door and in the birth room at 5:27am.

When I walked into the room, the lights were off and J’Cee, Jayden, and Shelby were all attempting to rest in between nurse check-ins. They were all exhausted, and rightfully so. J’Cee did get an epidural so her pain was under control, but it was still hard for her to sleep. At 6:00am, she was fully dilated and fully effaced, but Baby was at 0 zero station. Waiting a bit longer and letting Baby come down a little further on his own would make the delivery easier. The three settled back into semi-comfortable positions, and let the time pass.

Around 7am, the women of the family came in to bring some encouragement and a few hugs. One suggested putting ice on the top of J’Cee’s belly to move the baby down. Another said she could hug a tree while she pushed for support. It was all very sweet, and I could tell it was just the bump of dopamine J’Cee needed after a sleepless night.

It wasn’t too much longer that the nurse said the magic words, “It’s time to push!”. Jayden went from sleepy to ready in a snap! With the biggest smile on his face, he was so excited to meet his son. He was an incredibly attentive partner while J’Cee worked to bring their baby into the world.

The nurses got into position, and Dr. Elfink came in ready to go. With Aunt Shelby holding her leg, and Dad-to-be closer to her head, she pushed with the contractions. It’s typical for baby to move down during the push and then go back up just a little after, 3 steps forward, 1 step back kind of thing. When Dr. Elrink was explaining that to J’Cee she emphatically yelped, “No! Grab his hair!” That made us all laugh. This Momma did not want to lose any kind of process from her pushing.

She had nothing to worry about though, because after about 25 minutes of pushing her baby was here!

Baby Haze, born on December 5.

“Do you see this?!” J’Cee said to Aunt Shelby as Baby Haze was laid on her chest. And Aunt Shelby did see. We all saw, and we all unanimously agreed with Dad when he said, “he’s so cute!”

“You were made for this,” Jayden told J’Cee while Dr. Elrink finished taking care of her. He was so proud and amazed at all the Momma of his first born had done in the last 24+ hours.

Baby Haze was a wide-eyed baby, looking around and around, and was so happy to be close to his Mom and Dad. He ate a little and then the new parents were ready to let the family in, starting with J’Cee and Jayden’s Mom and Dad, the Grandparents, first.

The love - the absolute and obvious love that this family has for each other was so tangible. When J’Cee’s Mom got closer to her, the tears she had been holding in could be held in no longer. These were the best kind of tears. No one could stop smiling! Jayden’s Dad was even able to FaceTime to get a good look at Baby Haze. After some hugs and kisses, and lifting up the baby hat to compare ears, it was time for the Great-Grandparents to get a turn. More hugs, more kisses, more big grins.

Nurse Jen then did all the baby assessments on the warmer, and we found out how much he weighed and how long he measured. Such a little guy at 6lbs 10 oz! Topped with the most adorable, hairy little cone head. I’m astounded every time at how the bodies of the babes shape and mold to work with Mom’s bodies to be born.

Then it was Dad’s turn to hold his son for the first time. He was so careful. He was so enamored.

As I’m packing up my camera bag at the end each birth, I’m always wondering about the next 6-8 weeks for my Mommas. The newborn phase can be a whirlwind. It can feel impossible if there is not a lot of support. But I left feeling fully assured that this little family of 3 would be more than fine. Not only were all the other family members elated to see Baby Haze - everyone also stopped to give Dad a hug and made sure to ask Mom how she felt. One great-grandma said right before she left, “Okay, I’m going to buy groceries and take them to your house!”

Yes, J’Cee, Jayden, and Baby Haze were going to have every ounce of support they needed.

I don’t know what else is under the Christmas Tree this year for these sweet, new parents, but I have this feeling that this tiny Present is going to be their most favorite gift of all from 2023.

Christie Rice