It’s hard to describe the exact feeling I get when a past Birth Client sends me a message that says “Hey there!!!! Do you still do birth sessions at all?”
Excitement, of course. Perhaps a hint of overwhelming tears? Honestly, yea. But mostly the feeling of just so much honor. To be asked to come back into the room with a family for a second time - to capture another whole human life to come earth side - it’s unbelievable, and I’m so thankful for every chance I’m given.
This sweet boy would be Kaycie’s third after having two curly-haired big sisters. The family was excited to add a baby boy to the mix!
Rozzie had been a planned c-seciton, and after much consideration, this baby would be as well. The date was firmly set for May 25.
Walking in early that morning, the vibe was very much one of peace and experience. Braylen had his Switch out (which I love because it was just proof that he knew it would be awhile before Baby would actually be born, and he was relaxed enough to sit and enjoy hobby while he waited, versus pacing or fidgeting nervously), and Kayice’s Mom, Claudia (called Nonnie), and Claudia’s friend, Carol, were chatting to pass the time.
Kaycie had two French braids in her hair - another sign that she knew what she was getting into, and it really did the trick! It stayed out of her face, let her lean her head all the way back, and looked cute for the pictures. Wins all around.

Not too long after I got there, the nurse for the day shift came in, and introduced herself, and get this - it was the same nurse that had helped with Kayice’s last birth! All of the pieces were falling neatly in to place.

Next, was the anesthesiologist - he came in and gave a run down of what his job would be, and went over ever detail. Seeing me in the corner, he said that if everything was going well with Kayice, of course I would be allowed in, but he wanted to make sure she was all good to go first and foremost.
If all went well, I was going to go back to take pictures, and Braylen’s Mom, Robin (called Grinny by the grandkids) was going to go back just to be present. Nonnie was able to be present for the last c-section birth, so it was Grinny’s turn. Before Braylen and I suited up, Grinny offered to pray for us all.

It wasn’t too much longer before Kayice went back to the OR. She was responding so well to the procedure, that everyone Kaycie wanted to be in the room with her was able. As I walked in, I still saw all the peace that I had seen when I walked into the regular room that morning - she was so sure of her decision.

I settled in my tried and true spot, behind Mom, Dad and Grinny, up against the wall, waiting for Dr. Elfrink to hold the baby up over the curtain, when the anesthesiologist pulled on my arm just a little and said, “You can go over here and shoot from this side. Mom wants these shots.” What he meant was, I was about to see the birth completely from the other side of the curtain! I was so pumped!
Warning for those with sensitive tummies and constitutions. The following few pictures are incredible - and in black and white - but still very raw. Scroll a little faster if you need to till you get to the images in color again.

I was in awe, and I think I just held the shutter down the entire time. The movement of the baby coming out of the belly was so similar to the baby coming out of the birth canal. And my absolute favorite moment was what I got below - when Baby reached up his hand and Elfrink held it for just a minute while she worked with the other.

Luke is born, 8:24am!
Great cry, full lungs, right from the get go! Braylen and Grinny were busy with their phones, getting some pictures and videos of those first wonderful minutes. He was a beautiful pink with the right amount of fluff, and was ready for skin-to-skin with Mom in what seemed like no time at all.

Dad also got some sweet touches in while he was on the warmer.

He was ready to eat when everyone got back to the room, and got a full first meal in before the sisters came to meet him.
It’s amazing how having a brand new baby makes your other babies seem big all of the sudden. Both girls were elated when they came into the room. I remember Ella seeming so small and just a little unsure when she met Rozzie for the first time. But this time she walked into the room like she knew exactly what to do. She offically transitioned to the being the ‘biggest sister’, and she carries it so well.
Rozzie, now the middle sister, was a ball of sweet giggles and endless ‘awwws’ and demands that it was her turn to hold Baby Brother.

What followed was the typical passing around of everyone who wanted to meet Luke on the day he was born, the study of his little face, and talks of who he looked like most. Nonnie, Grinny, Carol, and Braylon’s Dad, Gene called Papa, all got a snuggle in.
We ended my time there with a tight swaddle and a quick shot of Luke next to a bunny made out of Kaycie’s Dad’s shirt who had passed away. A sweet tribute for Grandpa who would have adored this newest grandson.
Every story of a birth is worth capturing and telling, no matter where they happen or how they happen. As Kaycie was posting a few images and updating her friends and family on social media, she left this comment about her experience. It’s the exact right way to end Luke’s story.
“They (the Birth Team) were so wonderful at letting the birth experience feel as “natural” as possible and giving me so many freedoms to make choices for my birth. … I have been overwhelmingly blessed that my two caesareans were uneventful, beautiful, and perfect for us.”